It's likely that there are as many different experiences of a first colonic as there are people receiving this valuable therapy. Many come away feeling lighter, cleaner, less tired and able to think more clearly. Some don't want to eat, believing the internal pollution will begin anew. Others experience relief from chronic discomfort in their backs and bellies, or in the pelvis.
Then there are clients who feel none of these benefits and endure crampiness and pressures that convince them their first colonic will be their last. I have come to believe that the more uncomfortable this gentle, internal bath is, the more inflammation and dysfunction there is in the colon.
The colon processes the end products of digestion and cellular debris, and stores waste continually through out our lives. It is (approximately)a five-foot-long, hollow muscular tube that contracts to propel its contents along. This action, peristalsis, proceeds with minimal resistance, provided there is adequate dietary fiber and water intake, and far fewer processed foods and animal products. Processed grains and animal-based foods promote greater mucous production, and have little to no fiber or water, thereby hindering peristalsis. When our diet is approximately 3/4 vegetables with some fruit, an alkaline-forming diet, the easier it is for our bodies to digest/assimilate nutrients and excrete the waste. The weakened and congested state of a colon burdened by non-eliminated waste and mucous can contribute to structural damage (lost muscle tone, diverticula), and loss of the organ's normal anatomical position over time. Therefore, the longer a person eats the nutrient and fiber-poor standard American diet, the more likely that they will suffer from constipation and the dysfunction created when there is less than one thorough, daily bowel evacuation. If regular use of laxatives is required for elimination, it is very likely that the colon has already lost much of its normal function, and it will take much more time to restore its integrity. This restoration, however, is key to vibrant health.
If you are someone who has suffered with constipation for a year or longer, and especially if this has been your "normal" for many years or most of your life, I would suggest small volume (up to one quart) warm water enemas , done at home, several times before investing $70-$100 for a professional colonic. If your diet has very few raw fruits and vegetables, I would encourage you to gradually consume more of these, while eliminating all or most of the breads, pasta, meats and cheeses. As the bowel becomes cleaner and stored gases are eliminated, the high fiber foods are more comfortable to digest. Depending on the state of your colon, healing could take several months and professional guidance. Remember to begin with "the End" in mind. If you want Life, eat foods that are ALIVE.