Thursday, March 19, 2020

Immunity and your Circulation

The greatest defense against foreign microbial invasion is a strong immune system. Many do not realize that the lymphatic system, a component of the blood circulatory system, is a critical player here. It manages fluid balance, conserves protein and filters our blood. About 1/2 of your lymph nodes, the blood filtering stations, are in the abdomen, where congestion is common. Americans spend a whopping Billion $$ on laxatives annually, often getting unsatisfactory results. A person who doesn't know how it feels to have a good bowel evacuation EVERY DAY, is likely to have enough stored waste and gas to compromise all of the body's circulation, especially the ability to keep oxygen and nutrients bathing all of one's tissues, as well as to detoxify all systems throughout life. Poor elimination history is a clue to me that your immune system is functioning LESS THAN OPTIMALLY, so that germ fighting white blood cells and lymphocytes are overwhelmed with the job of removing the pathogens/toxins we are exposed to daily. When our own personal army of friendly bacteria and healthy blood cells can't do their jobs correctly, our health suffers. Sometimes, full blown illness results. Plenty of pure water helps to keep all of our body fluids flowing better. Fecal matter should be about 1/2 water and when it isn't, it gets stuck, weakening the bowel's musculature over time. Eventually, as in all cases of chronic constipation, those muscles atrophy, because excess stored waste is like having a permanent cast on muscles that must exercise to allow for normal digestion and elimination. I strongly recommend a consultation with me if you know your elimination is compromised, so that I can help you find solutions to stagnant circulation and internal pollution that make you a target for opportunistic microbes like COVID-19. A good colon cleanse may be life saving, but definitely energy-enhancing. The ARE spa in Virginia Beach is open for colon hydrotherapy, so if you're not symptomatic with fever, cough, etc., it is safe to jump start your own immune system boost, with a cleaner colon and good information about alkaline-forming foods that help to maintain optimal digestive function. This is the CORE WITHIN THE CORE that fitness fans and everyone else cannot neglect if health is desired.