Wednesday, November 27, 2013

In 2003, I read a book that changed what I thought I understood about healthy eating. Eat Right For Your Type, although published in 1996, is still unfamiliar to most of the clients I counsel.

Originally, naturopathic doctor, James D'Adamo, discovered that most foods react predictably upon digestion depending on a person's blood type. Now James’ son, Peter D'Adamo, also a naturopath, continues the food and blood type research within his busy Connecticut practice. Many people who have followed his recommendations as outlined in Eat Right For Your Type have experienced improvement and are grateful for the wisdom in the D'Adamo teachings. I am one of them. 

Initially, I was excited to learn that I'd made a very wise decision in choosing a mostly vegetarian diet in 1980. According to the research, I don't digest meat well because I am an “A” blood type. I had always liked meat as a child, and I never noticed that I had any challenges with it. To my surprise, however, once I'd been without it for about a month, I stopped missing it.

Despite this great revelation, I was not at all pleased with Peter D'Adamo’s other "restrictions". Many of the foods I'd eaten and enjoyed for years showed up on his list of foods that aren't “friendly” to me. I'd never noticed any significant health issues, and I was rarely ill. It wasn't until I became a colonic therapist, and I began paying closer attention to different foods' effects on me, that I realized many of the symptoms I considered minor nuisances, or "my normal", were often precursors to the occasional colds, headaches, and skin blemishes I would get. Yes, even at 40, I would get occasional pimples. In addition, the first several years I was doing massage therapy, I had arthritic pain in my finger joints. I have had none of these health issues since I have maintained a cleaner digestive tract through a whole-food, mostly plant diet, and an occasional colon irrigation.

Since 2007, I have spoken to many, many people who had adjusted their dietary practices to follow the D’Adamo research. Their success stories regarding overall improvement, along with what I have learned while providing colonic services convinced me of the truth regarding the validity of the D’Adamo research. Repeatedly, I've observed that clients with the “A” blood type who eat meat regularly, and clients with the “O” blood type who eat grain in its many forms several times weekly, experience worse cramping during colonic irrigation and report more digestive dysfunction, especially chronic constipation, excessive gas, and heartburn.

A very important aspect about the above issues is that most Americans, about 85% of which are either "A" or "O" blood types, have eaten meat and processed grains (cereal, bread, pasta, pastry) almost daily from a very young age. People represented by both of these blood types have challenges digesting dairy products as well. (Please forgive me, all of you "B" and "AB" blood types - you'll have to read the books for more information on your specific guidelines.) I encourage my clients to read Eat Right For Your Type for a deeper understanding of this information. 

The clients identify the foods on their "AVOID"' lists that are eaten more than once per week. I suggest that the clients take a break from these foods for a while. Three weeks without the offending foods is usually enough time to allow the body to reduce chronic inflammation associated with these food sensitivities. Therefore, when each food is reintroduced, one at a time, the system is likely to respond as it would have with the very first exposure to it. During this three week period, the client will frequently experience relief from some of his/her health issues.

The best nutritional science teaches that the vital raw materials required by our trillions of cells, are found in the colorful, alkaline-forming vegetables and fruits, not refined grains and animal products. Our bodies age faster when we deprive our cells of vital nourishment. We function at our very best when we make it easy for our systems to maintain a steady blood pH of 7.35-7.45; this can be done most efficiently through dietary enhancements with raw, organic vegetables and/or their juices. Kudos to both doctors D'Adamo, for helping readers to understand which foods are best avoided by all of us.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Are You Ready for Your First Colonic?

It's likely that there are as many different experiences of a first colonic as there are people receiving this valuable therapy. Many come away feeling lighter, cleaner, less tired and able to think more clearly. Some don't want to eat, believing the internal pollution will begin anew. Others experience relief from chronic discomfort in their backs and bellies, or in the pelvis.
Then there are clients who feel none of these benefits and endure crampiness and pressures that convince them their first colonic will be their last. I have come to believe that the more uncomfortable this gentle, internal bath is, the more inflammation and dysfunction there is in the colon.
The colon processes the end products of digestion and cellular debris, and stores waste continually through out our lives. It is (approximately)a five-foot-long, hollow muscular tube that contracts to propel its contents along. This action, peristalsis, proceeds with minimal resistance, provided there is adequate dietary fiber and water intake, and far fewer processed foods and animal products. Processed grains and animal-based foods promote greater mucous production, and have little to no fiber or water, thereby hindering peristalsis. When our diet is approximately 3/4 vegetables with some fruit, an alkaline-forming diet, the easier it is for our bodies to digest/assimilate nutrients and excrete the waste. The weakened and congested state of a colon burdened by non-eliminated waste and mucous can contribute to structural damage (lost muscle tone, diverticula), and loss of the organ's  normal anatomical position over time. Therefore, the longer a person eats the nutrient and fiber-poor standard American diet, the more likely that they will suffer from constipation and  the dysfunction created when there is less than one thorough, daily bowel evacuation. If regular use of laxatives is required for elimination, it is very likely that the colon has already lost much of its normal function, and it will take much more time to restore its integrity. This restoration, however, is key to  vibrant health.
If you are someone who has suffered with constipation for a year or longer, and especially if this has been your "normal" for many years or most of your life, I would suggest small volume (up to one quart)  warm water enemas , done at home, several times before investing $70-$100 for a professional colonic. If your diet has very few raw fruits and vegetables, I would encourage you to gradually consume more of these, while eliminating all or most of the breads, pasta, meats and cheeses. As the bowel becomes cleaner and stored gases are eliminated, the high fiber foods are more comfortable to digest. Depending on the state of your colon, healing could take several months and professional guidance. Remember to begin with "the End" in mind. If you want Life, eat foods that are ALIVE.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Do You Need a Break from America's Favorite Breakfast Foods?

Well, I've made it back to "posting mode" again after a lengthy break. I was inspired to share the link above from the archives of Dr Joseph Mercola. I have been reading Dr Mercola's daily articles for quite some time and my mom,. Lois Andersen was a big fan of his. The main thing I like about the website is that Dr Mercola is a firebrand - a true whistle-blower and researches many topics that interest me, as I endeavor to learn and share information that doesn't attempt to mislead the masses and to sell products. Of course, he does sell many products to keep his website free for anyone who wants to join and read his articles, but no one is required to purchase anything to receive his writings and benefit by his research.
The article in the link above is quite long but addresses a few different issues that are on  peoples' minds today including Alzheimer's disease,, diabetes and obesity. Gluten sensitivity in the USA population is much more prevalent than most of us would believe. (I believe it's even more common than mentioned in Mercola's article). Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye, barley, and much of the oats grown in the US. When providing colon hydrotherapy to clients, I find that those who eat wheat products several times/week are much more likely to be full of gas, full of Candida, constipated, and also have other digestive complaints such as acid reflux. They are often struggling, in vain, to lose weight. I encourage everyone I meet to stop eating it, just for 3 weeks, to experience what a gluten-free belly and head can feel like. If you're like most Americans, you eat gluten several times/day. (Cereal, pasta, muffins, breads and pancakes, to name a few.) I once ate it all day, everyday, and believe that curing that addiction has allowed me to move away from the curse of diabetes. As mentioned in the article, wheat grown in the USA that isn't "organic",  is likely to be grown in nutrient-depleted soil with multiple chemical pesticides and fertilizers. We are not eating the same wheat that was available 60 years ago.
Everyone I speak with who has decided to give up gluten has said they cannot believe the wonderful changes they've experienced, from the disappearance of allergies and rashes, to the end of arthritis-type pain, and the ability to think more clearly, and sleep more restfully.
I would caution all of you that reaching for Gluten-free foods in the baking section of the grocery store isn't the answer. Corn, also mostly genetically altered in the USA, is a serious allergen in our food supply, and is often used in these wheat-alternative foods. Eating large quantities of any kind of starch daily is likely to allow  digestive/health problems to emerge, as all of these foods contribute to unhealthy blood sugar highs and lows. Your carbohydrates should be colorful and full of water, therefore alkaline-forming. The further we've moved from eating the vegetables available in backyard gardens since the 1950s, the worse our health has become.
I would welcome any input from personal experience regarding a 3 week abstention from gluten-containing foods. Take a chance and give it a try. The road to wellness is paved with good intestines.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Got Flax?

                                                                   GOT FLAX?
Flax seeds have gained a great deal of publicity in recent years and as with most super-foods,
enthusiastic “experts” share both useful and confusing information.
Flax is one of the oldest known cultivated plants. It was grown for its fiber, which was woven into linen, for its seeds, which provide flax oil, and its mucilage fiber, which can improve gastrointestinal function.
In the 8th century, Emperor Charlemagne felt flax was so important that he passed laws requiring his subjects eat it daily.
Ancient East Indian scriptures say that a yogi must eat flax daily to reach the highest state of contentment and joy. Mahatma Gandhi said, “Wherever flax seed becomes a regular food item among the people, there will be better health.”
One of the most compelling reasons to eat flax seeds is their omega-3 essential fatty acid (EFA) content, one of the highest among vegetarian sources. EFAs are “essential” because they are required nutrients that our bodies cannot create from other nutrients – we must eat them. The standard American diet many of us eat is seriously deficient in Omega 3 EFAs, while Omega 6 and 9 EFAs are over-represented. The optimum ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3 is <4:1. The typical American consumer usually eats these nutrients at a ratio >15:1. Most plant oils, seeds, nuts, poultry, and eggs contain significant amounts of Omega 6 EFA. The EFAs obtained from organic cold pressed oils and raw nuts are far superior to the oils and roasted/salted nuts most people buy in their local supermarket. Many cheaper oils like corn, soy, and vegetable oils come from genetically engineered crops.
                                                            Benefits of Flax Seeds
High quality, easily digestible protein that contains all essential amino acids
High in fiber /the best natural laxative
a. Sweeps the colon
b. Softens the stool and maintains regularity
c. 12% mucilage fiber
d. water soluble
e. Protects intestinal mucous membranes
f. Helps feed and maintain friendly intestinal bacteria
g. Can help stabilize blood sugar
h Contains all minerals, vitamins B-1, B-2, C and E as well as carotene
i. High in lignans, (anti-fungal, anti-cancer)
j. Lowers blood cholesterol by preventing re-absorption of bile acids from the intestines

Advertisers would have us believe that flax seeds added to processed foods like cereal, breads, and tortilla chips are a good thing. Some Omega 3 EFAs are destroyed by heat, so to get the full benefit, the flax seeds must be raw. The seeds have a very tough exterior so they must be soaked for several hours or ground. Once ground, the Omega 3 EFAs oxidize rapidly so buying the seeds in the ground state will still provide some nutrients and fiber, but the Omega 3 EFA content is diminished or lost. An electric coffee mill is a wonderful tool for grinding your own raw seeds in less than 10 seconds.. Individuals respond differently to adding flax seeds, depending on their current level of intestinal health. 1-3 Tbsp of ground seeds daily can help improve bowel function when there is adequate water intake. Chronic constipation weakens the intestinal system. A  poor response to flax in the diet may indicate inadequate water intake or that colon irrigation may be necessary to begin restoration of normal intestinal  tone, and a gradual removal of mucoid plaque and retained waste. 
Flax seed oil is a terrific source of Omega 3 EFAs and has been well-researched by Dr. Johanna Budwig, who has used the oil to help many people dealing with cancer. The oil doesn't contain protein or fiber.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Colon Hydrotherapy

Often referred to as a colonic or colon irrigation, colon hydrotherapy is recognized as a highly beneficial approach to the healthcare of the colon.
There has been a resurgence of interest in colon hydrotherapy over the past two decades, but what few people realize is that this level of care was “state-of-the-art” up until about 70 years ago. Colonic machines were common in doctors’ offices and hospitals from 1920-1940. Cleansing the colon of impacted waste was recognized as an important first step in the treatment of many illnesses.
The colonic machine lets a trained therapist give a gentle, internal bath using warm, filtered water within a closed system. Waste materials are removed without the unpleasant odors or discomfort often associated with enemas.

Why Cleanse?

The human digestive system is designed to assimilate nutrients ingested for use as building blocks of our cells, and to rid the body of waste. Waste comes not only from used food molecules but also from the activities of our 70 trillion cells. These activities include destroying harmful bacteria and viruses, as well as detoxifying impurities ingested and inhaled from our polluted environment.
When the digestive system cannot eliminate the waste as it is generated, which is usually due to inadequate fiber and water intake, the intestines slowly stretch and become distended to accommodate the excess. Over time, the system becomes weaker and more sluggish, exacerbating and perpetuating the congested state. Eventually, toxins related to stagnant waste and unfriendly microbial populations re-enter the bloodstream through a compromised intestinal lining. These poisons cause ongoing challenges to other bodily tissues, inhibiting normal function and causing dis-ease. This is the cycle of events that elevates total body inflammation, the main contributing factor to most disease states.
Widespread use of laxatives has created complacency among many medical practitioners and those suffering from constipation and associated bowel dysfunction. Paradoxically, diarrhea is often associated with chronic constipation. Laxatives usually cause bowel movements but will not cure the condition of the degenerated colon. Repeated use of laxatives will lead to dependency and the eventual need for higher doses to achieve desired results. Water in the form of enemas and/or colonics, combined with dietary changes to include more plant fiber and pure water, can heal the damage caused by constipation. A minimum of one thorough bowel movement per day through out one's lifetime is necessary to prevent the colon congestion that often leads to dis-ease elsewhere in the body.
Colon hydrotherapy is by far the most effective means available of enhancing the detoxification of the body. As the colon is emptied of toxic build-up, space is created for drainage of the toxins stored in other bodily tissues. If the colon is strengthened and its lining repaired by continued attention to cleansing and nutritional support, it begins to resume normal function. This usually take a series of irrigations, depending on the length of time eliminations have been impaired, and the level of compromised function. Ultimately, overall health is improved.
Many colonic enthusiasts have experienced relief of discomfort caused by chronic issues, such as allergies, fatigue, headaches, bad breath, skin trouble, and back pain through hydrotherapy assisted rehabilitation of a dysfunctional GI tract.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

It's Chemistry

There are hundreds of magazine articles and books providing guidance on weight loss. Once a seeker of methods to upgrade my own health status, I've found multiple approaches that have merit. There are also many that recommend dietary practices I believe are unsound, or at least inappropriate because of the “one-size-fits-all” model.
What I understand after years of research and application, is that concentrating on choosing to eat 70%-90% alkaline-forming foods daily, not only yields optimal health benefits, but normalizes one's weight gradually, when combined with regular exercise.
You may remember if you took high school chemistry that alkalinity and acidity are measured on a pH scale from 0-14. Values below 7 are acidic, above 7 are base, or alkaline. 7 is neutral, the standard being distilled water. Lemon juice and vinegar are acids, while commonly known bases are baking soda and lye, with which soaps are made.
The human blood stream must be maintained in the alkaline range of 7.35-7.45, or sickness, and possibly death will ensue. The food and beverages we consume can cause minor fluctuations in blood pH. Plant foods with a high water content, such as colorful fruits and vegetables, tend to be alkaline-forming; once digested, they leave behind an alkaline mineral residue. Processed foods such as those containing flour, cereals, dairy products, and flesh foods are acid-forming; the residue, or ash left after digestion is acidic. When we eat more acid-forming foods, those that make up most of the Standard American Diet, we force our bodies to maintain normal blood alkalinity by pulling acid-buffering minerals, from our bones and teeth. Many of these foods are notoriously lacking in vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and fiber. When our intake of colorful, water-rich plants is high, the leaching of calcium and other minerals to buffer acids is unnecessary. Vegetables and fruits are the best source of the most easily assimilated enzymes, minerals, vitamins and their co-factors, the raw materials required by our trillions of cells for normal function. Plants also provide fiber, which is critical for maintaining smooth muscle tone in the approximately 25 foot long intestinal tract. The fiber in plants and adequate water intake give the intestinal muscles bulk to push against. A diet high in processed, low fiber foods allows for a gradual weakening of the digestive forces, resulting in constipation and abdominal congestion, both precursors of disease.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Two common questions from colon hydrotherapy clients

The two most frequently asked questions I hear when working with new colonic clients are: “Will this help me to lose weight?” and “How often should one get a colon irrigation?”

For any accuracy in estimating suitable responses to these questions, I would need a detailed understanding of the client's dietary history – foods and beverages consumed over the previous several years, as well as the bowel habits over the same period. This would include usual characteristics of their stool and frequency of eliminations. I'd want to know if fried and fast foods were eaten with any regularity, and the client's estimate of what percentage of the total diet consists of colorful vegetables and fruits. I also ask about any internal cleansing experiences and if there is a laxative dependency.

The adult large intestine, or colon, is a five-six feet long hollow, yet muscular tube, that fits in a space that measures under three feet. It becomes most active when we eat, so that by the end of each meal, waste in the sigmoid, or distal colon and rectum can be evacuated. That is, if the bowel is functioning optimally, because of a high fiber diet and adequate hydration consistently through out one's life. 

The fiber and water in our food give the smooth muscles that make up the intestinal walls some bulk to push against. Muscular contractions, or peristalsis, propels food, and eventually waste, along the GI tract during digestion. Inadequate dietary fiber and water intake diminish peristaltic waves, causing slower transit of waste matter and gradual congestion of the intestines. Following several weeks and then months of low fiber intake, the colon becomes distended and over burdened with toxic waste and gas. This can produce overgrowth of unfriendly bacteria and other parasitic microorganisms. It usually also means there is an abundance of mucous, which can become hard and rubbery in a sluggish system. The accumulation of non-eliminated waste stretches and distorts the organ, often causing loss of normal anatomical position and a gradual impact on the circulation and nerve supply to all organs being squeezed by the expanding intestinal contents. Unless there are changes in lifestyle and diet to reverse this congestion, constipation is perpetuated and the system continues to weaken and lose even more function. I believe that true health cannot exist when regular eliminations are hindered, and that chronic constipation is the underlying cause of many diseases.

So as you can see, how often a person should get a colon irrigation would depend on how healthy or compromised the organ is. Several colonics over a period of one to three months or longer, will decongest a sluggish, impacted colon, restoring its muscle tone, natural shape, and position within the abdomen. A person who has thorough daily eliminations would need fewer treatments, perhaps one-six per year, depending on the ratio of processed foods to alkaline-forming fresh vegetables and fruits consumed.

Yes, a person can lose the weight of stored waste during one or more colonic irrigations. In a normally functioning system, this may be as little as one pound. In some people with chronic constipation, ten or more pounds of waste is not uncommon. However, this is not weight from fat stored in one's tissues.

The alkaline-forming diet and cleansing through colonic irrigation will improve bowel function, including better assimilation of nutrients, and gradual weight loss. This diet supplies the raw materials required by the trillions of cells that make up the human body, unlike a diet high in processed foods such as pasta, bread and animal-based products. When the cells receive what they need to perform all of their functions, normal hunger is satisfied and persons aren't likely to crave excess calories that contribute to weight gain.